
I'm Uktam.

a programmer.

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I'm a basic Python user and Web Developer. I travelling and Coffee

My Skills.



Whenever if something goes wrong first of all I blane myself for that, and try to correct it. In addition, if I do my best to do things in time, but if I can't then I will tell the truth, not try to find an excuse. Moreover, thinking wisely before taking a step is a good habit and I also made it one of my habits.



I'm quite good at working in a team and adapting to new mates. I have developed and still learning how to work with team mates in my university projects. Till now, I have been in a several teams and all of the projects and relationship between mates were good.

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Fast typing

I'm quite good at fast and accurate typing. My last results were 58% wpm (speed) and 96% accuracy!

Get In Touch

Email me anytime and I try to reply as fast as I can. Or you can DM me via Instagram

Instagram Gitbub